My name is Lachezar ‘Q’ Karagyaurov and I am a 24-year old student and trader from Sofia, Bulgaria. Over the last six years I have devoted my entire free time and attention to the study and analysis of the financial markets of the world. During this journey I have examined, tested and searched for hypotheses and theories which could provide me with an edge in the market, predict future movements and behaviour, as well as provide illumination into the psychology of the masses. Many good books have been written on the topic of the “Madness of crowds”, however here I will try to unify several techniques, methods and calculations into an overall understanding of price movements. I hope that through my writings and explanations the reader will be able to gain a better understanding of the internal processes of financial markets and also, stimulate further research. You will notice that most of the charts are technical (i.e. apply Technical Analysis), however I find the underlying effects in fundamental drivers, crowd psychology, sociological factors and geopolitics just as fascinating. Ultimately, we live in a complex and well-connected world and it is very hard or impossible to isolate specific causes for the effects that we observe. Additionally, besides forecasts and trades, I will try to clarify my opinion and expand on topics, which may range all the way from economics and politics, over psychology and philosophy to astrology and fitness! 

The ultimate mission of this blog will be to:
  • Explain, model and anticipate future market movements;
  • Research and identify market patterns and misallocations;
  • Unify different cyclical theories and successfully use them in practical trading;
  • Comment on economic and political events;
  • Explain and cope with psychological factors, motivation and stress;
  • Go deeper into risk-management structures and antifragility;
  • Provide clarity and objectivity in my own view of the world;
  • Stimulate other people into research and network with them;
  • Create a publicly viewable and objective track-record;
  • Promote and sustain a high-performance active and fulfilling way of life;
  • Keep track of my journey of success in the world.
info (at) qtrading . biz
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Please have in mind that I am not a registered investment advisor. All analysis on this site is for educational purposes only. I do in no way encourage other people to engage in risk-taking without the necessary preparation and experience. Success comes to hard work and determination - no one is obliged to hand you anything over on a silver platter. I do not provide a trade recommendation service and I do not guarantee any follow-up information on the market or up-time of the server. On the contrary, I encourage you to NOT trade on other people's ideas, but use your own brain, overcome laziness and do your own research. Therefore, I cannot and will not take responsibility for any losses incurred from any information from this site.
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